Friday, July 16, 2010


So my very first knitting project ever was in college. It started as a joke at our sorority's rock-a-thon, a fund raiser for one of our philanthropies. What did I decide to start with? An afghan. Yup. Hardest project ever - and I didn't do the greatest job with it...oh, I finished, that's not it. It somehow turned out to be around (I kid you not) 12 feet long. I tend to double it up on the bed; it is certainly cozy! After that project, I turned to scarves. I have them in almost every color now. Here is an image I created using Paint a few years ago - I believe I saw greeting cards that had a similar picture - probably invitations to a knitting night. I had actually taken this image, changed the background color and glass colors and printed out a set of four to place in the picture holders on the front of my knitting bag. It was very Warhol-like.

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