Saturday, February 6, 2016

Crocheted Gifts

A random collection of crocheted gifts for nieces/nephews/babies I know:
Giraffe pattern:
Converse pattern:
 Pattern from:
 Pattern provided by:
 Pattern provided by:
 This mermaid tail lapghan was created by experimenting based off of the shark pattern below:
This was loosely inspired by this pattern:

Advent Calendar

After looking everywhere for the best option for an Advent calendar, I decided that I needed to create my own.  I took various sizes of small boxes and added strong magnets to the back so that I could display the collection on the side of the refrigerator.  On the front of the boxes I took Christmas tags and cards from loved ones from years past, or just fun wrapping paper designs or scrapbook materials and added decorations along with the numbers.  On the inside I glued the bible verses leading up to Christmas Day:
I believe I found the link to the downloadable verses on Pinterest and will cite it here once I can locate it. The boxes are also large enough to hold small daily gifts or candy.  This first day/box features a portion of a card sent to us from my husband's grandmother; I added beads to the holly berries to add depth and sparkle. 

Been Busy Creating and Not Posting!

So, perhaps I was busy for a few [years] and got away from updating this blog.  Oooops.  I have been busier than ever with learning new techniques and new crafts; I just never got around to post them.  One of the crafts I took up was crocheting.  (Yes, this can be considered more of a "craft" than "art" but it is still creating something!) 
The way I happened across crocheting was inspired by a book/gift set titled Yummy Crochet. Since I had just created this Night Stand Into Kitchen:
I needed some food to go with it to give to my niece; and I'd always wanted to learn to crochet - so why not do both at once?   ;)
If you're new to reading crochet patterns, you realize how confusing they can appear.  Enter YouTube tutorials and a lot of practicing, and these adorable little foods were born:
And I know that it is a terrible pun, but I'm hooked!